Circuit Protection

Information about TVS - Thyristors

Thyristor-based Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) devices are over-voltage protection devices that approximate an open circuit under normal operating conditions. Application of a voltage across them in excess of some specific value called the breakover voltage causes them to enter a conductive state approximating a short circuit. This state persists until current flow through the device is reduced below a minimum value called "hold current" by some outside influence within the circuit.

All Products (1-3) of TVS - Thyristors

No.ImagePart NumberManufacturerDescription
1TB3100M-13Diodes IncorporatedTHYRISTOR 275V 250A DO214AA
2TB3500L-13Diodes IncorporatedTHYRISTOR 320V 150A DO214AA
3TB3500H-13Diodes IncorporatedTHYRISTOR 320V 400A DO214AA

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